Sell on the Mathis Marketplace

Grow your business by joining our community of premier marketplace sellers.

Marketplace Advantages

National Exposure

Leverage Mathis’ huge customer
base and marketing power

Seamless Integration

Start selling sooner with
multiple integration options

Simple Platform

Easy to use seller platform with
support every step of the way

Get Started Today

Start reaching new customers and generating sales in a few easy steps


Sign Up

Tell us about your business by completing a digital seller inquiry form


Touch Base

If you’re a right fit, one of our account reps will reach out to you with next steps


Add Your Catalog

Get connected in as little as three days via multiple integration methods


Start Selling

Gain exposure to our huge customer base and start scaling your business

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about selling on the Mathis Marketplace

We have a commission structure to help you keep as much as possible while maintaining an equitable environment for everyone.

The monthly subscription is $49.99*.

All questions can be directed to the marketplace team via email at

Selling on Mathis Marketplace is quick and easy. Once we’ve accepted your application, you can begin selling in as little as 2 weeks. To make the process even easier, we offer 4 different methods of integration with support every step of the way.

Free shipping must be offered for standard shipping. The seller determines up to two other upgraded shipping methods at a cost to the customer.

Seller is responsible for supplying product content, including photography, that meets Mathis requirements.

If a customer returns an item, Mathis will refund the commission fee, minus a small refund administration fee to cover some of our costs.

At this time we are unable to process tax exempt orders through online sales. When you accept the terms and conditions when placing your order online you are accepting the price of the tangible personal property, delivery fees, and estimated sales tax, along with the sales tax terms and conditions. Our products can be purchased tax exempt from many of our Ashley Store retail locations throughout the country.

Rewards members earn 2 points for every dollar spent which they can redeem on 1P and 3P purchases alike.